Greetings Prayer Warrior!
I hope you are getting ready for new Kingdom Stuff in the year ahead. 😊
The purpose of this message is to provide information about year end giving. If you do not intend to make a year end gift, feel free to ignore the rest of this message.
I send this out each year because there are some who prefer to make their donations (or extra donations) at the end of the year for tax purposes (or other purposes).
All gifts made at our website before 12:00am (your time) on January 1, 2024 will be tax deductible for 2023 as allowed by law.
You can make year end donations here:
All gifts postmarked by December 31, 2023 will be tax deductible as allowed by law for 2023.
You can make a year end donation by postal mail like this:
Write your check out to “Worldwide Awakening Ministries” (no need to write anything at all in the memo) and mail it to:
Worldwide Awakening Ministries
3230 Sycamore Road #139
DeKalb, IL 60115-9621
That is it! Easy Peasy haha. 😊
And thanks in advance for your Kingdom Generosity!
I am anticipating a fruitful year for the ministry in 2024!
Be Blessed!
Jon Davis Jr.
New Year Happiness Guy